Friday, September 26, 2008


Today's post was inspired by a quote that I received via email....

"Life is thickly sown with thorns, and I know no other remedy than to pass quickly through them. The longer we dwell on our misfortunes,the greater is their power to harm us. "
Francois-Marie Arouet
(He was the French writer and philosopher who we all know as Voltaire.)

Don't know about you but with everything going on in the world these days kind of sums it up, doesn't it? Financial crisis, devastating losses with the hurricane and yes, even the freak show we call an election...

Oh, the quote... it was written in 1732. Guess we've all been puttin' up with a lot of "stuff" for a long time. But in the end we somehow manage to muddle our way into the clear. Perhaps we would all be better served by turning off the talking heads this weekend, and really enjoying the ones around us that we love. Just a thought.

Til next time...

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Formula for success.....

I was dusting this evening and picked up a book that my son had bought for me. It was a biography of Albert Einstein. Not my normal reading, but since I was dusting I picked up the book and curiously flipped open a page.

Humm... on page 132 there was a mathematical formula that Einstein had created guaranteeing success. Can you believe that? One of the greatest minds of all time developed a math formula for success!

I thought to myself, I need to look at I sat on the couch and started to read - besides, I hate to dust...Einstein said, 'If A equals success, then the formula is: A=X+Y+Z.

X is work.

Y is play.

Z is keep your mouth shut."

Einstein no doubt had an excellent sense of humor. Let's look at the 3 variables in this equation.

1. Work: Albert Einstein had a tremendous work ethic and because of that gave more to society and modern science than any person in recent times

2. Play: Einstein, however, did not work 24 hours a day and made time for fun and relaxation. His idea of fun may have been different than yours, but that doesn't mean it still wasn't play.

3. Keeping your mouth shut: Finally, my favorite part of his success formal is to keep your mouth shut. I genuinely believe that the person who talks the least says the most. A friend of mine complains that the woman he is dating talks too much. I don't know how to break the news to him; however, the problem is not that she talks too much. It simply is the fact that he is irritated that he isn't able to talk.

Now, before I get into trouble let me just say this is not a generic man and woman statement. I am speaking about a specific person that I know. His desire is to constantly talk and because he likes to talk so much, he will talk in circles. Heck, if you let him talk long enough he will repeat the same thing three times and then contradict himself.

His desire is not to hear but to be heard.

Albert Einstein, on the other hand had nothing to prove. He felt no need to be the "Chatty Cathy" he could have been with his knowledge. It wasn't important to him to talk to everyone he met and talk over their heads to demonstrate his IQ. Instead, he learned the value of quietness and solitude.

Shift your mind set from being a talker to a listener. It has been said that you can make more friends in 5 minutes by becoming interested in others than you can make in 5 years of trying to get others interested in you!

How do you become interested in others?

You ask questions and then keep your mouth shut!

In my line of work, I have found out that for most people their favorite subject is actually themselves and that the sweetest sound to their ears is the sound of their own name.

Einstein knew this and realized he could influence others by choosing his spots to speak and validating others by extending them the courtesy of listening.

Just a thought....why don't you tell me what do you think?

Til next time....

Friday, September 19, 2008


A freind of mine passed this along to me today - wanted to share.... Enjoy your weekend!

Once again, The Washington Post has published the winning submissions to its yearly neologism contest, in which readers are asked to supply alternate meanings for common words. The winners are:

1. Coffee (n.), the person upon whom one coughs.

2. Flabbergasted (adj.), appalled over how much weight you have gained.

3 . Abdicate (v.), to give up all hope of ever having a flat stomach.

4. Esplanade (v.), to attempt an explanation while drunk.

5. Willy-nilly (adj.), impotent.

6. Negligent (adj.), describes a condition in which you absentmindedly answer the door in your night gown.

7. Lymph (v.), to walk with a lisp.

8. Gargoyle (n.), olive-flavored mouth wash.

9. Flatulence (n.) emergency vehicle that picks you up after you are run over by a steamroller.

10. Balderdash (n.), a rapidly receding hairline.

11. Testicle (n.), a humorous question on an exam.

12. Rectitude (n.), the formal, dignified bearing adopted by proctologists.

13. Pokemon (n), a Rastafarian proctologist.

14. Oyster (n.), a person who sprinkles his conversationwith Yiddishisms.

15. Frisbeetarianism (n.), (back by popular demand): The belief that, when you die, your Soul flies up onto the roof and gets stuck there.

The Washington Post's Style Invitational also asked readers to take any word from the dictionary, alter it by adding, subtracting, or changing one letter, and supply a new definition. Here are this year's winners:

1. Bozone (n.): The substance surrounding stupid people that stops bright ideas from penetrating. The bozone layer, unfortunately, shows little sign of breaking down in the near future.

2. Foreploy (v): Any misrepresentation about yourself for the purpose of getting laid.

3. Cashtration (n.): The act of buying a house, which renders the subject financially impotent for an indefinite period.

4. Giraffiti (n): Vandalism spray-painted very, very high.

5. Sarchasm (n): The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the person who doesn't get it.

6. Inoculatte (v): To take coffee intravenously when you are running late.

7. Hipatitis (n): Terminal coolness.

8. Osteopornosis (n): A degenerate disease. (This one got extra credit.)

9. Karmageddon (n): its like, when everybody is sending off all these really bad vibes, right? And then, like, theEarth explodes and it's like, a serious bummer.

10 Decafalon (n.): The grueling event of getting throughthe day consuming only things that are good for you.

11. Glibido (v): All talk and no action.

12. Dopeler effect (n): The tendency of stupid ideas to seem smarter when they come at you rapidly.

13. Arachnoleptic fit (n.): The frantic dance performed just after you've accidentally walked through a spider web.

14. Beelzebug (n.): Satan in the form of a mosquito that gets into your bedroom at three in the morning and cannot be cast out.

15. Caterpallor (n.): The color you turn after findinghalf a grub in the fruit you're eating.And the pick of the literature:

16. Ignoranus (n): A person who's both stupid and anasshole. Might have to keep that one!

Til next time...

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Are you ready!?

It is hard to believe how fast this year is cruising by.

As someone who listens to people all day long, I can tell you the one universal constant is that time flies! Ever since I started doing this personal training stuff I must hear this phrase at least once a week... "Larry... Where does the time go? ! It just seems as you get older time just flies!" Well I think they are right - believe it or not, September 22nd is an important date as it marks the 100 day countdown of 2008.

With that in mind, I thought I would give you a little test and have put together a number of questions for you to consider as you progress toward the finish line and call this year a wrap:

1. What specific results have you achieved so far this year?

2. Are you healthier, wealthier, and wiser?

3. Are you winning, losing, or just holding ground?

4. What results are you committed to achieve by the end of the year?

5. How have you grown and what have you learned this year?

6. Is there any unfinished business that needs to be tended to in your life?

7. Are you actively pursuing what's most important on a daily basis?

8. What habits or behaviors do you need to change to ensure better results?

9. What is the key issue that inhibits your ability to perform at your best?

Now be honest with answers to the above questions. (No one is looking!)

This year isn't a loss by any means, but for sure we know the days will pass us by quickly whether we like it or not. If you want to be more productive than you have been and end on a really positive note, you might have to change your mindset. In those last 100 days you will have to have a sense of urgency that you may not be used to, because every day and everything you do really does count!

September 22nd is a significant milestone, and the one thing we all have in common is that we all love a challenge. (You must, you put up with me!) But for some of you it could be a goal that puts you to the test, an obstacle that says you can't beat me, a belief system that is begging for a breakthrough, or even a mountain that just dares you to climb it. Whatever it is, your attitude needs to be "BRING IT ON - nothing is going to stop me!" There's nothing quite like a good old-fashioned challenge to see what you're made of, push the boundaries, and test your limits, as it is ONLY when we overcome these trials that we get to reap the sweetest rewards.

Are You Ready to Astonish Yourself? Are you ready to catch the brass ring?

Earlier this year, you set some goals, made promises to yourself, and ended up with unmet goals and unmet promises. Right now, you have the opportunity to close out the year like a winner. You are staring down the barrel of an awesome opportunity to finish the year strong. I wish you a great home stretch during these last 100 days and encourage you to dream big dreams and take the necessary actions (and be stubborn enough) to make them reality!

Til next time....

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Thinking again...lemonade

I read something that I wanted to share.

"If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude."

Seems too simple doesn't it?
But this might just be the best piece of advice you can share with someone.

As much as we like to think we are in control of the planet - (just a reminder -were not). Not even close! We do have the power within us to change our view of something. We may not be able to change the happening but we certainly can change our perception of it and thus our attitude about it.

There are about 140 people who follow this blog on a regular basis and another 300 who lurk from time to time. I have been honored that many have shared some part of their story with me. Within those conversations some have felt comfortable enough to share some unexpected event or circumstance of their life that may have pushed them or their loved ones to the edge. It may have been an catastrophic illness, some type of loss or a just the natural order of things as we grow older or apart.

There is no doubt in my mind that "mother earth" seems to test us all by throwing some type of a curve in the course of our "normal" lives or the life of someone we love usually at the least opportune time.

But what I have been so fortunate to observe is that those who went through those tough trials and have survived to tell the tail all had one thing in common - They changed their attitude about the event.

They figured out to survive the event by altering their it stubbornness to get over an illness, gratitude or rationalization, it really doesn't matter - they changed their lives and thus their circumstance by changing their perception of the event.

Maybe it is just as simple as the old saying "When life gives you lemons - make lemonade". The true test is finding the recipe for the correct flavor of the lemonade.

Til next time...

(Oh... by the way, the first quote is Eleanor Roosevelt's.)

Time for Lutefisk!

I generally try not to get politically charged in theses pages, but sometimes I can't even keep my mouth shut... so if I offend, sorry, but enough is enough already!

Sooner or later it had to come to this, and sooner is now upon us. All those smart guys from Ivy League Schools with the long pedigrees are sweating bullets now that the bill for their outrageous stupidity is coming due.

Hey, they just thought they would make a quick buck here and there and profit from a loophole or two that wasn't closed up and locked down.
It was almost a perfect scam, what with the money being sold over and over again, relieving them all of responsibility once the paper passed on to another entity.

But they got too greedy, and started selling mortgages to anyone who could walk and chew gum. There were warnings, and some honest people cried out against what was going on, but the tsunami just kept building.

All the financial institutions had to get their piece of the pie, even though they knew they were stealing what wasn't rightfully theirs.

And in the short term it looked good. There was plenty of flash, bigger houses, nicer cars, and lots of bling.

But now the bill collector is at the door, and he is swinging a mighty big axe. Huge companies are, in the words of the Rolling Stones, "Tumblin down." Bank of America snatched up the once venerable Merril Lynch for a song, and Lehman Brothers crashed.

More giants are in the slots, ready to fall at the first pull of the lever.

The worst thing is that millions of folks retirement and investment funds are at risk. The guys who the public hired to watch their money were only concerned with their own money and status, and couldn't have cared less about what these folks had worked a lifetime to put away.

In my mind a whole bunch of Wall Streeters should be going to jail. In fact they should build a special place in Northern Minnesota just for them. Let them shovel snow in the winter and fight mosquitos in the summer, and eat lutefisk until they turn green.

Better yet send them to Iraq or Afghanistan. Maybe if they had to make decisions with their own life on the line they could think more clearly.

Thanks for letting me rant....
Til next time.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Kiddie Treadmills?

Anyone happen to catch this Boston Globe article on fitness equipment for children?

Yep, that's right, there's a company that now makes treadmills and elliptical trainers for children as young as three. What do you think? When I read the article, I had mixed feelings.

My First Reaction: Aaaaahhhhkkkk!

Truly, I saw the headline and thought: What a f*cked up world we live in. What happened to the notion of "play?" Exercise is not supposed to miserable until you're an adult, damn it! (Warning: Grumpy Old Fogey Alert) I know kids are getting fat. And I know they need more activity. But not this way!

What happened to playgrounds and front lawns and freeze tag and kickball and stupid dangerous made-up games involving jumping off of things and tackling each other? I'd never trade the bruises, gashes, scrapes and stitches I got as a kid for hours spent in front of a tv, computer, or video game console, broken up by "structured" exercise sessions on a piece of equipment.

I'm a parent, but gosh darnit I DID NOT get the memo! I have no idea of how the transformation happened by which kids have been declared too fragile to "go out and play" like we did. I know you all think the world is much more dangerous now.

Maybe it is.

But I think it's more our thinking that's changed. Here's the thing: Forty years ago, we still had traffic, pedophiles, rusty nails, drugs, bullies, broken glass, rattlesnakes, and even serial killers. We just assumed all the bad things happened to other people, and usually it did.

Mom said "go out and play" and we did. We played kickball or wiffleball in the street until someone yelled "Car!!!!" We climbed trees and water towers and roofs where we didn't belong. We ran around not because we had to, but because we wanted to. I know not every neighborhood is safe enough for kids to go out and play in.

Yet doesn't it almost seem like the safer the neighborhood, the less likely you are to see kids playing in it? 'Cause they're all inside, or they've been rounded up and shipped off for officially sanctioned activities. We probably had a lot more accidents and injuries forty years ago. Because, hey, every now and then it was your turn to jump off the top of a ladder with a grocery bag for a parachute. But today the young 'uns are all completely safe and supervised. And a good percentage of them are fat and are going to die early of heart disease and diabetes or liver problems. Unless they get on a ridiculous little kiddie treadmill or hire a personal trainer or wear a pedometer?

Yikes! *Sigh* The world's goin' to hell in a handbasket. (This Concludes the Old Fogey Rant; you may now safely resume your regular blog reading activities).

My Second Reaction: Well, OK, Maybe in Some Cases...On further reflection, and after a more careful reading of the article, I realized that there might be some times when having a kiddie treadmill or elliptical would make some sense. If you're a busy mom, and the kids are watching everything you do and wanting to join you in your workout? Well, that might be a cool! And having their own little junior version might help keep them off your equipment, which could be an expensive/dangerous proposition. After all, we buy kids junior versions of cars and vacuum cleaners and ovens and garden tools. As I recall, imitating adults can feel like "play" when you're a kid, even though the actual activities might be "work" for the adults themselves.

So if you're buying a kiddie treadmill or elliptical as a "toy" that your kid will enjoy, and you can "play" together, that seems pretty reasonable. (But how "fun" is a treadmill gonna be for a kid after the first few minutes? Just wondering.)

So enough of my old fogey opinions. What do you all think?

Til next time....

Rules for the road of life....

Some wit and wisdom I have garnered from some of my clients....

1. Never give yourself a haircut after three alcoholic beverages of any kind.

2. You need only two tools: WD-40 and duct tape.If it doesn't move and it should, use WD-40. If it moves and shouldn't, use the tape.

3. The five most essential words for a healthy, vital relationship are;

"I apologize" and "You are right".

4. Everyone seems normal until you get to know them.

5. When you make a mistake, make amends immediately. It's easier to eat crow while it's still warm.

6. The only really good advice that your mother ever gave youwas: "Go! You might meet somebody!"

7. If someone says that you are too good for them, believe it.

8. Learn to pick your battles. Ask yourself,

“Will this matter one year from now?”How about one month? One week? One day?

9. Never pass up an opportunity to pee.

10. If you woke up breathing, congratulations, you have another chance!

11. Living well really is the best revenge. Being miserable because of a bad or former relationship just might mean that the other person was right about you.

12. Work is good, but it's not that important.

13. Be really nice to your friends and family. You never know when you are going to need them to empty your bedpan.

Two more things....


A millionaire informs his attorney, "I want a stipulation in my Will that my wife is to inherit everything, but only if she remarries within six months of my death."

"Why such an odd stipulation?" asks the attorney.

"Because," he says, "I want someone to be sorry I died."

One more thing This for a few friends of mine, hopefully we will get together soon, if not maybe in CA ..... And you know who your are!!

Til Next time....

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Oh oh... you got the fat gene?

Ah, the "Fat-Gene." Yep, I have it.

You probably do too.

It's called the FTO Gene. Researchers estimate that up to 30% of those from European decent have FTO. FTO is just flat-out nasty. It is an obesity "allele", which just means that it is a part of a gene structure that is associated with weight-gain.

FTO is also associated with an increased chance of Type 2 Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome, and other disease states. However, these states are secondary to weight-gain. This means weight-gain is a major trigger for these disease states to begin.

No kidding. Who'd thunk it? Oh, there's more: FTO was found to jack appetite through the roof after rats were deprived of food for a while.

So... let me get this straight:
1. This gene makes someone eat more after they starve themselves.
2. This gene is associated with obesity & disease states caused by weight-gain - which is...
3. Always the result of starving yourself.

I'm just trying to paint a picture here folks and to avert some needless panic.
Let me give you an alternative hypothesis:

1. Yes, genes have something to do with weight-gain and bodyfat, etc.

2. But most people who were tested for these genetic factors probably tried some form of starvation diet plan long before Mr. Researcher called them into the clinic.

3. As a result, this FPO sucker triggered the extremely well-researched "fight or flight"response to starvation, which ...

4. our test subjects to gain bodyweight. Ta-da!


This is no different than the genetic traits that make someone more likely to smoke or drink or like pop music. He/she STILL has to start the process, and that means he or she can stop it.
So, want to turn "off" your FTO? * STOP STARVING YOURSELF *
You do not need to starve.

You need to eat smart. If you eat many times a day or (if eating higher-fat) 2-3 times you'll control your hunger. By always eating plenty of food you'll Turn off the FTO response by turning ON your body's natural need for frequent, healthy food.

More and more research is being done on this subjects and I am sure books are soon to quickly follow. But everything suggests that if you want to "Stoke the furnace"-- and turn off your fat-gene. It just takes a bit of smart eating and a willingness to ignore most of what the media trys to sell you.

Good News: Researchers are Nuts!
More on FTO -- and this one really deserves the "why on earth did some university grant this guy a PhD?" award. The headline read: "Fat-Gene Can Be Conquered IF You Exercise 3-4 Hour Per Day!" I won't even bore you with the details of this ridiculous study, but suffice to say they went so far as to look at the Amish lifestyle as an 'answer' of sorts to the FTO issue. "Gardening, housecleaning, yard work... all of these count."

Okay, show of hands: How many of you do plenty of EACH and are still not where you want to be body-wise? All of you? That's what I thought.

Look, all the super-moderate activity in the world is not going to help anyone turn off any fat-gene. However, research is bearing out that:

1. Short, intense exercise will.

2. A realistic nutrition plan will.

3. And common sense will.

You do NOT need 3-4 hours of exercise a day to be healthy any more than you need 3-4 hours of investing each day to be rich. You need SMART exercise (and smart investing for that matter.)

It's not an issue of time, it's an issue of intensity and focus. The real question should be "How can I get the most done in the least amount of time?" I'm all for an hour of walking a day, only because it's great for you and I love it. But to suggest anyone needs 3-4 hours of measly activity a day is damn silly. 7-21 minutes of intense activity (that is safe for you) and 30-60 minutes of moderately brisk walking (or an equal measure of exercise) is all you need to be in SUPER shape, let alone healthy.

Perhaps these researchers never met guys like me, who have helped thousands of folks stay lean and healthy without 3-4 hours a day of activity. And we have "the fat-gene"... at least I do. So there. And that means you can do it too.

Another "Taste Better" Tip -
I have no problems with egg yolks at all. But some people are allergic to the AA (arachidonic acid) found in them. Here's a solution: Almonds.

True, almonds contain ALA which can be converted to AA, but many people find that this conversion process is long enough to delay immediate allergic reactions. Some reactions include elevated lipids and weight-gain. But more than that, almonds provide one of the key factors in my eating plan: CRUNCH.

Crunch is vital to both the taste and pleasure of the food you consume. Adding crunch can make the difference between feeling as if you're eating cat food or caviar. All give you an example - Here's what I do: -- Use only egg whites -- Use a small bit of raw honey -- Use a half-teaspoon of olive oil -- Use 10 almonds The taste is incredible -- better than with the yolks. I've increased my fiber with the almonds, and I've increased the nutrient profile of the meal. And... it's yummy. Try it.

Til next time....

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Bad Luck....

I was at a friend's house the other day and got into a little discussion about some acquaintances of ours. My friend's wife was speaking about these mutual friends and the string of luck they are having of late. "It sure is too bad, all the bad luck they have," she said.

My first thought was, "Bad habits, not bad luck."

My second thought was, "Or is it bad choices?"

You see, there is a difference. What we many times call bad luck is merely bad choices. Before you get your shorts in a knot let me explain: If you work hard, buy a new car, keep it up with regular maintenance and blow a tire driving down the road, that is bad luck.

However, if you drive on your tires until they are almost bald and drive at speeds higher than they are recommended for, and keep them at the wrong inflation level, and then the tire blows, that is not bad luck but bad choices. The tire blew because you chose not to buy new ones. The tire blew because you chose not to take the time to check your tire inflation level the last time you filled up the tank.

It is bad luck to leave your house on vacation and while you are away the gas line breaks and the house blows up.

It is bad habits to not tend to taking care of your house, replacing the roof, painting, etc until it is a junk pile.

It is bad luck to be let go from a company that goes into meltdown because the CEO acted unethically and the stock tanks, forcing layoffs.

It is both bad choices and bad habits to be late to work everyday, display shoddy workmanship and have a bad attitude to the point that the boss fires you.

If you choose to frequent shady parts of town or risky establishments, and you get mugged, is that bad luck or bad choices?

Well you get the point. How often do we call something bad luck when it is really the result of bad habits or bad choices?

What this really boils down to is a matter of ownership of our lives and actions. Do we take full responsibility for our lives or not?

I know of a gentleman who was recently passed over for a job. It would have paid him $13,000 for a week's worth of work. The person who passed him over told me why. Knowing this gentleman, I said, "It is too bad, because with a few good choices, that guy could be living in a nice house, driving nice cars, and having very few financial problems."

What about you? Do you experience bad luck? Or bad habits? Or bad choices?

The next time you hear someone say, "He's down on his luck," perhaps you ought to ask, "Or is he down on his choices?"

I have found that those who have good habits and make good choices tend to experience the best luck!

So, if you want a little good luck, take a hard look at the choices your are about to make - by making good solid choices and developing good consistent habits I'll just bet you make some really good luck!

Til next time....
"Luck is a dividend of sweat. The more you sweat, the luckier you get." -- Ray Kroc

Sunday, September 7, 2008

You can learn something new today!

We should always try to help to increase our friends and loved ones knowledge of the universe.

Please take a look at this video and let me know what you think.

Til next time....