Thursday, January 29, 2009

There's NO weight loss problem....

Okay, so I think most of us would agree that there is an obesity problem in America and many other countries across our planet. No brainer right? Right.

But I think we need to look at this in a completely different way. I want to propose that we do not have a weight loss problem today. In case you’re confused at this apparent contradiction, consider these statistics:

According to a study from Oxford University published in the International Journal of Obesity, within 3 to 5 years, about 80 percent of all ‘weight losers’ have regained the lost weight, and often gained back a little extra.

According to research by the National Weight Control Registry, that relapse rate may be as high as 95 percent. 95 percent?!

For comparison, relapse rates for drug, alcohol and tobacco dependency have been reported in the range of 50-90%. Huh? Really?

So what this really means is that lots and lots of people have “successfully” lost weight. But not many have kept it off. Therefore, we don’t have a weight loss problem, we have a weight-relapse problem; we have a “not sticking with it” problem, at least that is what the statistic suggest.

In fact, the fall and subsequent weight-regain usually doesn’t take years. Many people have abandoned their new year’s resolutions within weeks. By the time the Super Bowl party rolls around, their diet is history! (Hay, where's the plate with dates rolled in deep fried bacon - can I have some dip with that? Oh...Sorry I digress.)

If this is true, then shouldn’t we put more of our attention into figuring out why people don't stick with their programs.... Sometimes fitness folks don't think things through. And better yet shouldn't fitness "gurus" inform and prepare their clientele where there might be some bumps in the road? And then help them form strategies to stick with their programs rather than try to allure into the newest plan guarenteed to make you an Ambacombie swim suit model.

Below is a list of the top 8 reasons why you fall off the wagon. I think your time, energy and efforts are far better spent on figureing how to stay on track rather than worrying about the minutiae of the newest diet and exercise plan. If we focus on staying on track will be far more important than spending all of your energy debating whether you should be on low carb or high carb, Mediterranean or Okinawan, vegetarian or meat eater meal plans.

No, my suggestion to you is that if you simply focus on the 8 issues listed below you’ll start getting more lasting results. How? By being able to stick with whichever plan you decided was best for you! After all, even if you have the best nutrition program in the world - on paper - it doesn’t do you much good if you can’t stick with it in practice!

1. No focus: you didn’t set goals, you didn’t put your goals in writing, and or you didn’t stay focused on your goals daily (by reading them, affirming them, looking at a vision board, etc.)

2. No priorities: you may have set a goal, but you didn’t put it on or near the top of your priorities list. For example, your goal is six pack abs, but drinking beer and eating fast food on the weekend is higher on your priorities list than having a flat stomach.

3. No support system: you tried to go at it alone; no buddy system, training partners, family, spouse, friends, mentors or coaches to turn to for information and emotional support when the going got tough.

4. No Accountability: you didn’t keep score for your own accountability – with a progress chart, weight record, measurements, food journal, training journal, and you didn’t set up external accountability (ie, report to someone else or show your results to someone else)

5. No patience: you were only thinking short term and had unrealistic expectations. You expected 10 pounds a week or 5 pounds a week or 3 pounds a week, so the first week you lost “only” 1 or 2 pounds or hit a plateau, you gave up.

6. No planning: you winged it. You walked into the gym without having a workout in hand, on paper, you didn’t plan your workouts into your weekly schedule; you didn’t have a menu on paper, you didn’t make time (so instead you made excuses, like “I’m too busy”)

7. No balance: your diet or training program was too extreme. You went the all or nothing, “I want it now” route instead of the moderate, slow-and-steady wins the race route.

8. No personalization: your nutrition or training program was the wrong one for you. It might have worked for someone else, but it didn’t suit your schedule, personality, lifestyle, disposition or body type.

So there you have it – 8 reasons why most people fall off the wagon! Have you been making these mistakes? If so, the solutions are clear and simple: focus, prioritize, get support, be accountable, be patient, plan, balance and personalize.

Humm sounds like a plan to overcome most problems... wish Congress would listen.

Til next time...

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