Wednesday, July 1, 2009

balancing act...

I just recently read something that stopped me in my tracks. I'll share.

"There is a balancing act you are to learn between having a burning desire and having a desire that burns you."

Seems to me that having a burning desire creates the necessary mind-set that will create the thing you want. But on the other hand, if the desire is connected to "I'm miserable unless I have this thing" - then more often than not you end up chasing success and that success will always run faster than you do.

I think the objective is to attract success; not to chase it. In my experience chasing success always seems to repel success. You never get what you are chasing. (Ok, so I am thinking about all those high school almost dates) - but seriously, at the end of the month you always come up short; you always need a "quick fix". And from expeience quick fixes don't fix anything.

Just a thought....
Til next time.

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