Thursday, July 16, 2009


For a guy who has been in the recreation business for a quadrillion years, I sure can’t shoot baskets worth a (insert your favorite word here). But for some reason I am attracted to the basketball court - I like to shoot free throws to zone out and often end up observing my body trying to learn or relearn something new. For sure basketball is an area where I'm no expert. Yet time after time I find it amazing what I feel when I sink one after another - as well as when I miss several in a row.

When I'm successful, I am fully connected to the ball and basket. When I'm not, mind, body and spirit are scattered throughout the gym. I’m just out of sinc…

This is something that is not often discussed. Yet it's a major key to developing your mental and spiritual strength.

Most students of success have trouble getting results because they are physically lazy. They want to just sit there and visualize. Or say positive affirmations. Or write their goals in a notebook. Or listen to peaceful music. Or do a series of chants or prayers.

All of the above are good.

But what about doing something physical?!

The human being needs to blow off steam on a regular basis to feel good. Whether it's punching a bag, going for a walk, swimming, cycling or practicing martial arts - a physical release does more than relax you physically.

It reboots you, it puts you back together. It doesn't just give you a balance of body, mind and spirit. It gives you all three - wrapped up in one - as one.

An elite martial artist doesn't think body, mind, spirit. He may talk in these terms to make what he's saying understandable to those who aren't integrated. But to him, he's talking about all three whenever he's talking about one.

If you do something physical each day and your ability to breathe, visualize and manifest will go off the charts.

Til next time…

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