Saturday, February 7, 2009

Jeeze... It's been a great day here in the Midwest, at last look the red line in my thermometer was just under 60 degrees. Not bad for a February in Chicago - plus there is a southwestern warm(ish)breeze. The thirty plus days of snow cover is almost a slushy grey memory and the lines to my neighborhood car wash is over a block IS good.

But alas I made an error and turned on one of the cable network newscasts.. argh.... If you listen to the talking heads on the flat screen, one might be tempted to just hide under the covers and not venture out until mid summer. There is no question that things are uncertain about today's economy, but so much of it is out of our control and I see so many people walking around scared and not smiling instead of taking a deep breath and enjoying the day.

I heard a phrase the other day "living in the lake of lack" It was in reference to folks who are so afraid of what might be that they stop living... they start hording - they hoard their time, their money even their thoughts just in case.....

Now I'm not going to sit here and suggest that you should be foolish with your time, energy, ideas and or money, but to live like the other shoe is about to drop squarely on your head doesn't seem to be that wise choice either.

So I am going to tempt fate - I am going to change my mindset - as a matter a fact I've been implementing the principles I've out lined below for the last year or so - and sure enough it seems to work. It's changed how I look at life - So, if you are feeling the pressures of the day I suggest you try one, two, all or any combination of these and see if your life goes in the direction you want it to go. I know it these principles seem to work for me...maybe it will help you too.

Are you short on time?

If that’s the case, give away some of your time. Take time to give to others. You don’t have to dedicate 90% of your day to serving others - that’s not what I’m saying. Just find that balance between giving and receiving. Find an organization or a person that you really love and volunteer some of your time. Give your time away.

Don’t feel loved?

You’ve got to give some before you get some. Give away some hugs. Go out right now and give 5 people you know a big hug. I guarantee right after you do this, you’ll feel great. You’ll feel like a million bucks! Why? Because you feel loved. And you can only feel loved when you give that love to others. Go out right now and hug 5 people! Besides, people will think you are crazy and sometimes that IS fun!

Short on Cash?

Give some away. Yes, you heard me right. I’m not saying you should sell the farm, far from it. But you may consider giving money to a charity, giving money to a friend who needs it, or even giving money to a panhandler in the street. Givers gain.

Are you stuck?

Do you want to get unstuck? Help others first. Think of someone you know that is having a similar problem. And think of a way that you could help them based on what you know. Write down what you plan to do to help this person and then go out and do it. I’m telling you this works! When you help others wholeheartedly, help will always come back to you.

Lacking self-belief?

Yup, you know it. You’ve got to give it away! If you lack self-belief, then give away that belief to others. What do I mean? Find someone you know who is lacking in self-confidence or in self-belief and give them a boost. Spend some time with this person and feed their mind. Tell them how much you believe in them. Tell them how successful you see them becoming; how you always knew they could make it. Tell them how proud you are of them. Fill their mind with positive ideas. Instill belief in others and belief will come flowing abundantly to you.

Short on ideas?

This happens all the time at work and maybe why this just might be my favorite - well other than hugs of course! If you’re short on creative ideas, give them away! Give others creative ways to increase business, find a new stimulating career or improve their health. Give ideas away and ideas will flood right back to you.

With all of these tips, you have to start with where you are. You can’t give what you don’t have. But be willing to give what you got from where you are and I promise you - abundance will flow into your life and all of the sudden the world doesn't seem like such a scary place.

Til next time.... Now, I've got to go dust off my grill and stink up the neighborhood with the smell of BBQ!

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