Saturday, January 24, 2009


There are a few topics that pop up in this blog over and over again. The reason I do that is because it's those topics that will make or break a fitness and nutrition program. Just like in business, your social life, and most anything else, the old "80/20″ rule seems to apply to fitness. That means that you'll get about 80% of your progress from 20% of the things you do. So obviously those are the real keys and what you should focus on.

One of my favorite keys to harp on is consistency. Even a poor program (not that you should follow one) will achieve far more success if it is done day in and day out than a great program that is rarely followed will. That's one of the big reasons that I decided to start logging my workouts. My own training exploded when I started consistently logging my results and examining them. The more consistent I was in my logging, the more consistent I became in my training, and the greater my results were.

When I've slipped in my training and not seen the results that I'm looking for, I can almost always trace that back to times when I wasn't keeping a good log. There are times when I've been busy or injured or just taking a break and I got lazy about the log book. Sure enough, those times always seemed to stretch just a little further than they should, or I'd have a hard time getting restarted.

So learn to embrace consistency when it comes to getting in the best shape of your life. Not every workout has to put you on your ass, and not every meal has to be a chicken breast with celery. However, every workout and every meal should have some quality that is going to make you better than you were before. THAT is consistency, and that will build progress.

Til next time…

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