Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Goals, goals, goals....

I was watching some of the talking heads yesterday on my flat screen and they had this "so called" self-improvement expert on talking about goals.

Don't get me wrong, having goals... looking at them every once in a while is a good thing. I really think you need to try to have a plan. But this person was going on tirelessly on the importance of long-range goals.

I think long-range goals are more important earlier on in life.

But having a DAILY goal, however, is important EVERY day of your life.

IF you put most of your focus on meeting daily goals. If you hit your daily target day after day, just seems to me that the long-range targets will take care of themselves.

One of the difficulties with long-range goals is that you may not be the same person a year from now, or five or ten years from now as you are today. In fact, I guarantee that I am not, and you may not be the same person today that you were on May 1, 2008 - or January 1, 2008.

In my case this is a good thing...because to live means to change, improve and grow.

So right now at this moment are you getting closer to your daily goal?

Til next time...

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