Thursday, November 27, 2008

A turkey day thought

In the world of fitness there are, really, only so many topics…
There's a finite amount of shit stuff about which to write (a vast finite—from yoga to ultra-marathons–but finite none the less) so we in the fitness blogosphere each simply strive to put our own twist or stamp on well worn topics.

Today's dead horse which we shall proceed to flog a few times? Gratitude.

The older I get the less I find that being thankful is a daily struggle or conscious focus. I'm grateful most days just for the fact I can get up in the morning and go peee without having a debate about what is right and wrong with my hair, clothes well you name the topic… and, if I find mid-day that my gratitude is waning, it's far easier now than when I was younger to refocus my feelings.

A few years ago I was more in a place of complacency. That is code for a bad marriage.

If you'd have asked I would have said I liked my life. I liked my friends. I loved my kids, I liked my own personal Barrister. Everything was good. Fine.

Then, due to circumstances; some within and some beyond my control, bingbangboom I was divorced. Note to self, be careful when marrying a family law attorney. Three months later, I was in a new house – four months later in more debt than any one person should be.

Let me clarify: four months. I was in a new life - one that was completely turned upside down. No palpable routine (forget the working out. that wasn't even on my I WANT list – probably not good PR for a Personal Trainer). I was away from Barrister Babe, and Tornados (2 of 3 kids). Felt like I was in a completely different country. Didn't have too much that was familiar except work – which is what I excelled at. The notion of working, 12/14 hours a day was comfortable and in a very strange way calming.

It was during that time period that I had the opportunity to learn about being grateful for all that I have. Big and small. It also explains why my walls in my home are mostly shades of green… calming.

I realized that, at least for me, gratitude is linked closely with the Law Of Attraction. What we think truly impacts what flows back toward us (agree? disagree? I wanna know) & when one starts from a place of gratitude it's amazing what a domino effect it can have on one's life.

(lecture over. I know. but I truly believe all of this. operate from a place of I WANT AND IM NOT GETTING! & see how far *that* chickenbus takes you. Ill save you the time: nowhere good. fast. Lived it for five years with Barrister Barbie)

That said, if you're anything as I am, there are still days where it's difficult to find the gratitude in your heart. For me it's:

UpAt5 + ArlarmDidntGoOff + TwosecondsToShower + pipes didn't warm up = damn cold water - Amazingspouce= HardPressedToBeThankfulMe. Been there?

Here are some ways which work for me to locate the silver lining in my cloud when it's lookin' 100% like rain.

  • For an entire week set an alarm/reminder for the same time of day. When the reminder PINGS! I take a minute (literally) & focus on one aspect of my life/ or someone in my life for whom I'm grateful. (a warning -that was really hard at first)
  • I adore my GRATITUDE BOARD. It's crammed with pictures & words to remind me precisely for what I'm grateful —-everything from the health of friends/family to work opportunities to travel souvenirs. A quick glance is all I need to refocus my day.
  • I have a friend who came this close to losing one of his 5 senses. It was only after that I became truly thankful for my ability to see, hear, taste, touch & smell. Take five days & spend one focusing on each sense. Dedicate a day to being grateful for all you hear. Another to being thankful for all you see. It's amazing how, when you focus on gratitude, even when what we HEAR isn't what we're longing for just the fact we CAN hear is a gift.
  • Surround yourself with like minded people. This is an obvious one but bears repeating. Remember the old adage of one negative, bitter, cynical, complaining apple spoils the barrel? It's true. Strange, but this has been my single biggest challenge at work – and believe it or not, when successful really makes my life much easier.
  • Bliss list. Trite? Yes (here's that horse we're beating). Work? FOR SURE. Take a moment every day to jot down some things for which you're thankful.

Are you still with me? (I know. I ramble because I love.) Good.

What would your gratitude touchstone be?

A few inspirational words or quote?

Perhaps a photo of someone you love?

A pet?

A drawing by you child? Being by yourself?

A photo of your favorite place?

Hit me up in the comments and let me know. Oh, and thank you for reading!

Happy Thanksgiving…

Til next time.

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