Sunday, December 14, 2008

(The video is sad, don't watch unless you are ready to get misty eyed)

A jet plane crashed into a San Diego home, killing a mom, two children, and her mother. The dad, Dong Yun Yoon, was not home when it happened. He left with everything right in the world and came back to find everything gone…

He really needs our prayers right now. In another video, he talked about how he knew God was keeping his wife and children safe in heaven. He also said he that doesn’t blame the pilot, but hopes people will pray for the pilot to not be overcome with guilt.

That’s pretty amazing. Honestly, there is no way I would handle a situation like that with the same grace as this man has. What is amazing as how he has managed to hold on to his faith. And then to forgive so quickly! Some might say he’s just in shock, but if you watch the videos you can see that the shock has already worn off.

His wife was 36 and one baby girl had just been born in October and the other one, Grace, was 15 months old. The was around the same age as I when my son was born - I just cannot even imagine at that I would have had the reserves to tackle this at that age let alone have such faith. In a press conference, the husband had only two requests. One was to pray for the pilot (wow). The other was that he knows there are people who have gone through worse than this, and he hopes they can tell him how.

I’m posting this for three reasons. One is that I’m amazed at how he has already forgiven the pilot. So many of us hold grudges over things that are far, far less important. Second, is that life is short. Don’t ever take one second for granted, and don’t put off until tomorrow what you could do today. And finally from a human side and perhaps most importantly, I’m posting this to ask anyone who reads this to keep him in your prayers. Pray that he finds people who can provide him with comfort and the advice he’s seeking.

Sadly, the only way to get through something like this is to walk through the pain. As a wise friend of mine once said, “You can’t move on - you can never move on. But at some point, you can find the strength to move forward.”

Til next time...

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