Saturday, December 20, 2008

Now IS the time…

I'm sitting in my living room procrastinating. I have finished buying gifts for the holidays and now it's time to wrap, I'm staring out the window watching the snow and figuring which paper to use on what gift. The news is on in the background and got me thinking.

You can't flip channels without the talk of cut-backs and recession and disappearing capital and suicidal brokers but I just keep thinking…isn't this a wonderful, purifying, catalytic time! A time to create and re-create, a time to produce and re-produce, a time to burn off the redundant and the spent as we rocket through the white hot stratosphere of new possibilities.

People are worried.
Good! Worry is a fuel, it can be utilized.

People are frightened...
Great! There's nothing like fright to shake up the complacent norm and add a little umph to positive action.

People are terrified.

Terror? Wow! Now we are talking. Now we are cooking up new possibilities on high! Nothing stirs the soul and fires the spirit like a sprinkle of terror on your morning cornflakes. It gets people off their chairs, it gets people out of their made-for-the-bigger-person comfy-chair, it places a rocket up the arse of their old, tired, uninspired lives.

Man what a f***ing amazing time this is.
We are watching history unfold. And we are history unfolding.

Recessionary times create revolutionary ideas. Recessionary times give birth to revolutionary people. Recession is the pre-curser to great innovation.

Did you know that the entire multi-billion film industry in the US was born out of the twenties depression?

To Henry Ford's credit, his car empire only started because people did not have any money. Did you know that? Ford was passionate (driven even) about manufacturing a vehicle that was affordable for everyone.

You (yep you!) have been looking for a burst of energy for a very long time, you have wanted out of your spent existence for as long as you can remember and wasn't it only last New Years (and the New Yeas before add infinitum) that you announced 'it is time to change!' only to abandon the notion on Jan 2nd when the 'entrepreneurial spirit' got mugged and left for dead by the hangover of New Years past?

Man this could be such an amazing time. There has never been a better time to brush the cobwebs off your old dreams and air them in the light of new possibilities. There has never been a better time to stifle the cry of woe and instead channel the cry in battle against those mind-forged handcuffs. For the resigned man there has never been a better time for Renaissance.

The good life is not a lottery! The good life is a choice, and that choice is often made in times of inferno and furry. And the current climate is offering all the start-up energy and all the incentive and all the fear that you need to make it so.

I don't think there has ever been a better time.

And with 'the inferno' still very much in mind, let me leave you with the words of Dante because you need to hear them and you need to hear them today because there was never a better time.

'Now is the time to rouse yourself'!

Til next time…

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