Sunday, December 30, 2007

Great in 08 - part 5

"All successful people are big dreamers. They imagine what their future could be, and then they work every day toward their distant vision, dream or goal." - Brian Tracy

#4 Successful people know EXACTLY what they want.

What do you ultimately desire or intend to create for all the areas of your life? Health and fitness is just one of the components of your vision.

Often times I've found that it is one of the easier aspects of your vision to attain. Let alone a great stepping off point to get you reach your other goals and shape your vision.... Just think about it for a minute... taking just 30 minutes a day to do some type of activity gives you a payoff for more than 16 hours. Not a bad return on you investment and as you gain fitness you gain confidence that you can reach your goals.

Just imagin how it would feel to fit in your "thin" clothes stuffed in the back of your closet. Or how would it feel to run up a flight of stairs and not gasp for air? Just think of all the extra energry you'll start to have by working out less than 1% per week?

So are you ready? OF the five fitness goals you wrote down.... What is the first that you want to achieve?

Til next time.

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