Sunday, December 23, 2007

Lose the F.E.A.R. for 2008

I wanted to share a little story with you about a conversation I had with one of my clients the other day.

Let me give you the stats first; she is a mid 40 something, size 4, person who still thinks she is fat... (OK, now your thinking that isn't fair - aren't you).

Now in fairness a half a year ago, she was bigger. Much!... Yet she persisted and busted her hinders, dropped down from a size 10 to a size 4, gave up smoking, drinking and other recreational (illegal) poor habits.

Since November 1st, She has dropped 6 pounds, stripped nearly nearly 3% body fat, and lost about 2 inches off her waist.

This was all done over the holidays while most people are putting on about the same amount.

I asked her nicely if I could use her story as an example... of how not to do things.

To my surprise she agreed...While she has had really, great results that I am very proud of her for, she is basically just waiting to "fall off the wagon."

(Sound familiar? How many times - I'm talking to my clients now - have I heard you say, well, I'm going on this cruise, or that trip and they have this kind of food, and that kind of drink and I'm sure I'm going to put all the weight back on, blah, blah, blah... most of you come back the same weight....

That's why you are paying me the big bucks so you can get strong enough to be active everyday, (plus not get hurt while you are away) - so you can enjoy eating and playing on your trips!)

Anyway, back to my story....

Every time she works out with me she just keeps telling herself that what she has done has changed her life and she has more energy than she ever has had, but she knows it's just a matter of time before she screws up.

Now between you and me, what do you think is going to happen?

Of course she will put the weight back on. She has already convinced herself that she cannot keep up her new healthy lifestyle.
(Now lets take all fact out of this equation...she has changed her lifestyle for the better part of this year. I think she has developed some pretty good habits!)

We all need to realize that our thoughts really control our reality. F.E.A.R., should really stand for forever expecting awful results....

I've been doing this job for nearly 30 years, and the one thing that I am fairly certain of, is that we really can achieve any goal we set our mind to. If we want to lose flab and keep it off, it is our decision to do it. If we want to learn a new language, it ours for the taking. Learn to write on a blog everyday! That's easy. When it comes to weight loss, or strength development, Lord knows that there is enough"how to" information is out there to choke a horse - you can even get it for free!

But it doesn't matter! Until you are ready to accept that you have the final say in changing your lifestyle, and you are willing to commit to change you behavior. - You will not lose the weight you want without having that sense of F.E.A.R. hanging over your shoulder.

Remember in school when you thought about giving that presentation in front of the class and you knew you were just an accident waiting for a happening? What happened? Most of us goofed up the way we envisioned ourselves goofing up. What ever happened to envisioning our selves succeeding? We are always bolstering up our kids and our grand kids - why not ourselves?

So here is a thought for the New Year..... why not see where you can succeed. I bet if you wanted to lose weight, or learn something new you could. But you have to take the first step, and if you can learn to take that step without the F.E.A.R. You'll be the better for it.

Til next time....

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